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1/30/2023 - Planning and Design Services Farmington River Rail Trail Extension - East

Request for Proposals for Planning and Design Services Farmington River Rail Trail Extension - East

The Town of Canton (Town) is soliciting proposals from any interested party (or parties) to conduct planning and design work to extent the Farmington River Rail Trail east (FRRT) from the intersection of State Routes 44 and 177 (Lovely Street and Albany Turnpike), east to the Simsbury/ Avon Town line.

The planning and design area is further defined on the attached, “Attachment A1 – Shops Rail Trail Extension.pdf”' and, “Attachment A2 – 2021 Canton FRRT East – Location Map.pdf”.  

Physical limits are shown in Attachment A1 in purple, blue, and yellow, and continue as shown on Attachment A2, with possible routes and required study areas shown in orange and red.

The selected consultant(s) will work under the direction of the Director of Planning and Community Development and will be expected to demonstrate professional experience in site design, landscape architecture, engineering, public input and involvement, consensus building, and presentation of design products to Town officials and the general public.  

This work is to occur under a grant awarded under the Connecticut Recreational Trails Program. All work performed under this request will be required to comply with the requirements of this program. Please see “Attachment B – DEEP Scope of Work.pdf”' for additional information. Please be aware the required Match to be provided will be in-kind service and is not part of the planning and design budget.  

Interested consultants who wish to be considered for this work shall provide two paper sets of the following information to Neil Pade, Town Planner. The information shall be delivered to the Town of Canton CT Land Use Office at 4 Market Street, P.O. Box 168, Collinsville, CT 06022-0168, no later than 12:00 pm local time on March 3, 2023. A digital/ electronic version of the proposal response on, flash drive or other comparable form shall accompany the submission. The submission shall also include:

1. Letter of Introduction
2. Firm's Information Package 4
3. An outline and description of the firm's understanding of the Project and proposed approach necessary to meet requirements of the Scope of Services
4. Detailed fee proposals identified by task as presented in the Scope of Services, including a total cost and schedule for completing the initial Scope of Services
5. An anticipated project schedule.
6. Resumes of personnel who will work on the Project.
7. Recommendations for the management of the Project.
8. Qualifications for, and experience with conducting public workshops, and soliciting public opinion.
9. Methods for solicitation and analysis of public input.
10. Methods for collection and analysis of market data.
11. Demonstration of the team’s ability to efficiently represent the effect/ build out of conceptual/ preliminary designs graphically.
12. At least three references for on-going and/ or recently completed similar municipal streetscape design projects (including contact person and phone number).
13. Detailed and specific examples of similar work products and areas that have been designed and physically installed.
14. Certificate of liability insurance.
15. Any additional information that will assist in evaluating the qualifications of the consultant.  

Respondents with questions regarding the submission requirements may contact the following person via email only (telephone inquiries related to proposal requirements shall not receive a response):  Neil S. Pade AICP, Director, Planning and Community Development Town of Canton [email protected]

Click here to review the complete RFP.