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Business / Personal Property

Files & Documents >> Department Documents >> Tax Collector >> Business / Personal Property >> Business / Personal Property

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Business/personal property tax bills are generated from the Grand List prepared by the Assessor every October 1st. The bills are mailed the following June.

  • Bills under $100 are due IN FULL July 1st, payable by the first business day of August.
  • Bills over $100 are due in two installments. The first installment is due July 1st, payable by the first business day of August and the second installment is due January 1st, payable by the first business day of February. We DO NOT send a bill for the second installment but you can sign up for an email reminder
To avoid a penalty:
  • Payment for the first installment must be postmarked, hand-delivered or paid online by the first business day of August. Payments made after the first business day of August will incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month calculated back to the July 1st due date (August interest charge is 3%; 1.5% for July, 1.5% for August)
  • Payment for the second installment must be postmarked, hand-delivered or paid online by the first business day of February. Payments made after the first business day in February will incur interest at the rate of 1.5% per month calculated back to the January 1st due date (February interest charge is 3%; 1.5% for January, 1.5% for February)

Taxable personal property includes all other property not classified as real estate, such as, but not limited to, machinery, mechanical tools, equipment, furniture, fixtures, non-registered motor vehicles, leased equipment, horses and farm tools. All questions regarding the assessment should be directed to the Assessor’s office at (860) 693-7843.

  • Close or sell your business



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What do I do if I plan on selling or closing my business?

  • If the Town of Canton is not notified when you close or sell your business, the taxation continues. If you close or sell your business, you may be subject to additional bills. It is critical that you contact our office for pertinent information and next steps.

Do I have to file a personal property declaration each year?

  • Yes. Please contact our Assessor's office at 860-693-7842 or visit their web page for further information.

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Contact Us

Tax payments can be:

Mailed to Tax Collector, P.O. Box 168, Canton, CT 06022-0168;
Paid online (a transaction fee will be charged)
Made in person when Town Hall is open.

Any other assistance or questions should be emailed to [email protected] or you may leave a voicemail message at (860) 693-7843.  We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Jodie Enriquez
Tax Collector

Mailing Address
4 Market Street
P.O. Box 168, 
Collinsville, CT  06022

Phone: (860) 693-7843  
[email protected]

EFFECTIVE 9/16/2024 New hours below:

Mon, Tues, Thurs



CLOSED FOR LUNCH FROM 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.